Monday, October 3, 2011

Natural Born Conspiracy Theorists

On September 11, 2001, many people lost their lives on a tragic day that will forever plague our nation with sadness. However, while that day brought this nation many deaths, a number of new born establishments have arisen as well.  For one, the United States now has the Department of Homeland Security, a stronger military, and another war for their resumé.  Webster's dictionary defines a conspiracy theory as a theory that explains an event or set of circumstances as the result of a secret plot by usually powerful conspirators.  The United States, perhaps, became popularly familiar with conspiracy theories on a mainstream level with the arrival of many documentaries such as "Loose Change."  This particular documentary presents a radical view of the government, its reaction to 9/11, and the economy.  See a piece of this footage to briefly understand what some of America's "conspiracy theorists" have been up to.

While presenting a radical view, this documentary may have empowered politicians and media personnel to stretch the definition of what a "conspiracy theorist" is.  This claim may be somewhat justified as such reactions have presented a somewhat clear misinterpretation of the definition as evidenced in the media, and government's reaction to these conspiracy theories.  Before anyone throws their computers against the wall, I urge you to listen for there is a method to my madness.  While I agree that some of these views are completely radical, I must explain that the term "conspiracy theorist" may be mislabeling people.  For example, if a college student does not receive their financial aid in time to pay their tuition when they took all the necessary steps to ensure an on-time disbursement of their funds, and they question the school when they do not receive them, are they conspiracy theorists?  If a mechanic tells a customer they need new brakes when that customer changed their brakes a month earlier and that customer questions the mechanic, is that customer a conspiracy theorist?  Most likely not.  However, it turns out that if one questions the government and its functioning then they may be subject to being accused of being conspiracy theorists. Branded, demoted, and labeled a conspiracy theorist for noticing flaws in a large system.  Perhaps to some, a person who questions their government is a conspiracy theorists, but to many, these inquisitive people are only utilizing their democratic right.  The right to speak their mind, and speak directly to a bureaucratic system in which noticeable inefficiencies exist.  Perhaps one should not be discredited for noticing flaws in a system that is in place to benefit them.   Ironically enough, this phenomenon of labeling people "conspiracy theorists" is not limited to the regular citizen.  In fact, the very politicians who lead this country engage in these activities.  Representative Michele Bachmann of Minnesota, the latest candidate to join the Republican presidential campaign, suggested that President Obama secretly wanted Medicare to go bankrupt so retirees would be forced to enroll in the new health care law.  See the following article:

While this issue may seem far fetched, it is a very relevant issue in regards to the popular vote and the presidential election.  It would be far more beneficial for citizens to be able to exercise their democratic right to speak their minds considering the ability citizens possess to vote for President!  During the elections, citizens are urged to vote to make a difference.  Finding inefficiencies may provide a framework for voting for a candidate and such frameworks should be accepted.  There may be many people who would agree that they believe there are inefficiencies within the government while simultaneously feeling no suspicion of being subject to a conspiracy!  Be American: speak, listen, vote, and do not throw stones if you live in a glass house!

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